What is online therapy?
Online Therapy (i.e., telehealth, e-therapy, e-counseling, teletherapy, or cyber-counseling) is therapy that happens virtually. You meet with your online therapist and conduct business as usual. The difference? You can hang out on your couch in your house instead of in your therapist's office!
why is online therapy important?
During this crucial time of COVID-19, CMC Therapy is here to stay connected with you. Through the use of our HIPAA compliant Telehealth system, we can have our session virtually. We don’t want you to feel alone at a time where human connection is so important.
You know, we get it. Times are really strange right now. Regardless of if you're an introvert or an extrovert, you probably miss seeing people in real life. At first, seeing your online therapist on your monitor might feel a little different. But, we've found that our clients end up enjoying it! Additionally, research tells us that online therapy is often just as effective as in-person therapy.
So, we can still help you. Will it look a little different? Perhaps. Will you still reach your therapeutic goals and receive quality services? We'll pull out all of the stops to make sure that happens.
is online therapy right for me?
If you've read this far on the page, therapy itself is probably a good choice for you. Granted, you may not have opted for online over in-person therapy previously. But, we're all learning to be more flexible, right?
Due to the developments and aftermath of COVID-19, being able to talk to an online therapist about what you’re feeling and experiencing can be extremely helpful. Getting back into the flow of things will also take some adjustment. And at the end of the day, that's what we're here to do: to help with life's changes!
do i have privacy in my session with my online therapist?
If you are able to get 50-60 minutes of time by yourself, then yes. CMC Clinicians will be following the ethics of confidentiality. This means that we will guarantee that we talk about in therapy will stay between us.
how do i pay for online therapy?
CMC Therapy makes paying for your session simple! Our system collects your credit card information at the same time you book your appointment, so you don’t have to worry about the exchange post-session.
how will i know which online therapist works for me?
At CMC, we have an incredibly skilled and caring team of therapists. All of our therapists have a wide variety of experiences and different knowledge bases. So really, you can't go wrong with any of them! If you would rather have a conversation with a human when deciding which therapist to work with, our Client Care Coordinator is happy to help! Give them a call at (954) 533-5827. They'll help you get connected with the right therapist!
- Accessibility to therapy services wherever you are
- The commute can be inconvenient or impossible
- People worry about the stigma of in-office therapy
- Clients are concerned people they know will see them enter or leave a therapist’s office
- Clients are more comfortable and open while at home
- Clients who want shorter sessions prefer it
- Some clients feel therapy via the Internet provides greater confidentiality
- Clients don’t have to cancel if they get sick
- Extra benefits for clients who will encounter less “triggers” if they stay home
- It benefits people who cannot drive to a therapist’s office
- It is a convenient option for people with disabilities
- People in an abusive relationship who want to receive therapy without their partner knowing
You don’t have to live with feelings of disconnect, anxiety, numbness, or the inability to trust others. Our team of online therapists is here to help you through life's changes.
Online therapy can help you better understand, cope, and manage emotions and memories associated with trauma.
Our Davie, FL counseling clinic has trained and caring therapists who are ready to join you on a HIPAA-compliant online therapy session. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple
1. Click "Request Appointment" below so we can better understand how we can help.
2. Get paired and meet with one of our mental health professionals.
3. Start healing and creating a better life for yourself!